Wednesday, March 4, 2009


If you haven't heard, I'm pregnant! Our new baby is due October 4th.

We started a new site for the little one at

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Community as a verb

Community is a word that we all know, but something that we rarely experience.

I know that it is not something I have experienced often or even totally understand. Luckily, we are experiencing community at it's best every Sunday. Our small group has been one of the highlights of our 2008. It is the place that we cry, laugh, tell our stories, and find what the Lord intended for all of us as Christians... community.

If you don't have any type of community in your life, and I'm not just talking about "hanging out", but people that get into your life, hold you accountable, and share the good and the bad with you, then fight for it. Fight to find that environment. It is so worth it.

Thanks to everyone in our small group. You guys make community a verb.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am ONE

I grew up going to church. I loved the community and warmth I felt every time I walked through the doors. When I was 16, I went to a girls retreat called Chrysalis and pray "the prayer" for probably the 10th time, but this time something was different. I stopped living off of my parent's faith and took on the responsibility of serving the Lord for myself. Unfortunately, accepting Christ into your heart was not a magic pill that fixed everything instantly. I was a fiercely independent person and I really believed that I could do everything on my own... including getting to heaven. On my journey, I have learned to be dependent on Christ and interdependent with those around me. I know that the only way to the Father is through His Son and no matter what I do to get noticed by people or by God is pointless. I was placed on this earth to share this story and to build relationships with others that bring Glory to Him and make Him famous.

My name is Kristy Velasquez and I am ONE, that the world may know...