Monday, January 26, 2009

I am ONE

I grew up going to church. I loved the community and warmth I felt every time I walked through the doors. When I was 16, I went to a girls retreat called Chrysalis and pray "the prayer" for probably the 10th time, but this time something was different. I stopped living off of my parent's faith and took on the responsibility of serving the Lord for myself. Unfortunately, accepting Christ into your heart was not a magic pill that fixed everything instantly. I was a fiercely independent person and I really believed that I could do everything on my own... including getting to heaven. On my journey, I have learned to be dependent on Christ and interdependent with those around me. I know that the only way to the Father is through His Son and no matter what I do to get noticed by people or by God is pointless. I was placed on this earth to share this story and to build relationships with others that bring Glory to Him and make Him famous.

My name is Kristy Velasquez and I am ONE, that the world may know...

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