Monday, September 29, 2008


So, this weekend was our Youth Fall Retreat called Rooted. We had a great turnout. Ornan's Floor was AMAZING and Kevin Kirkland was our speaker. He always knows how to cut to the heart of the issue. During one of our conversations, I had a light bulb moment. As much work as I put into the weekend and after the 100+ hours of preparation, God had the nerve to tell me that He could have done it all without me. After I got over the shock of this comment that was so obviously from the devil, I starting thinking about all of the "things" that I do, and just how rare it is that I just am.

I was excited that the weekend was going according to plan and in my arrogance I boasted to the Lord about all "We" had accomplished. "Lord," I said, "aren't you glad that we do things with excellence around here? I just know that kids will really respond because of how well everything is going." No, I didn't get hit with a lighting bolt, but it was close. He said, "The students will respond because of Me. It has nothing to do with you. In fact, I could have done all of this without you." Ouch.

Then, He asked me why I had done all of the work with excellence; was it for Him, was it to be seen, or was it so that the students would respond the way I wanted them to? Unfortunately, my answer was a little of all three. In looking at my heart and at my intentions, I realized that I was stealing God's glory for myself. My goal in life is to make Jesus famous. If they responded because of how great I had done, was it really glorifying Him?

Jeff talked this week about taking risks and not calculating what is measurable or easy to give from our own strength. I want to do what is beyond me to do so that everyone will know that God chose to do it through me. That is how He gets the glory.

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